Cambridge Senior Mathematics for Queensland General Mathematics Units 3&4 has been written for the QCAA syllabus to be implemented in Year 12 from 2020. As well as covering all the subject matter of the Queensland General Mathematics syllabus, the package addresses its objectives, assessment, underpinning factors, formula sheet, and pedagogical and conceptual frameworks.
Its four components—the print textbook, the downloadable PDF textbook, the online Interactive Textbook and the Online Teaching Resource*— contain a huge range of resources, including worked solutions, available to schools in a single package at one convenient price. There are no extra subscriptions or per-student charges to pay.

Bivariate data – classifying the variables.
Categorical and numerical variables.
You will recall from General Mathematics in Year 11 we defined two classifications of variables, categorical and numerical variables:
Categorical variables generate data values that are names or labels, such as sex (male, female) or coffee size (small, medium, large).
Numerical variables generate data values that are numbers, usually resulting from counting or measuring, such as number of brothers (0,1,2, ...) or hand span (cm).
The first step in investigating the association between two variables is to classify each variable as either categorical or numerical. What can we say about the types of variables involved in the questions previously posed?
‘Is the new treatment for headache more effective than the old treatment?’
To investigate this question requires firstly a definition of ‘effective’. Suppose that the effectiveness of the treatment is to be measured by the time it takes for the headache to be relieved, measured in minutes. Then the two variables in this question are type of treatment, a categorical variable taking the values ‘new’ and ‘old’, and time taken for the headache to be relieved, a numerical variable. Thus, investigation of a question like this can be classified as investigating the association between a categorical variable and a numerical variable.
About the lead author and consultants.
Introduction and overview.
1 Investigating associations between two variables.
2 Modelling associations between variables.
3 Time series analysis.
4 Arithmetic and geometric sequences.
5 Earth geometry and time zones.
6 Revision of Unit 3 Chapters 1–5.
7 Compound interest loans and investments.
8 Reducing-balance loans.
9 Annuities and perpetuities.
10 Graphs and networks.
11 Connector, assignment and flow problems.
12 Project planning and scheduling.
13 Revision of Unit 4 Chapters 7–12.
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