This book is for anyone who wants or needs to learn the kind of English which is used in academic contexts. It deals with the kinds of language used in academic textbooks and articles as well as in lectures and seminars. It also presents vocabulary relating to being a student at a university or college in that it covers such topics as Applications and application forms, Money and education and Academic courses associated with university life. It will be particularly useful for students preparing for IELTS or any other examination aimed at assessing whether candidates’ English is at a high enough level to study in an academic institution where English is the medium of instruction. It will be helpful for people who need to attend - or indeed give - lectures and presentations in English or to participate in international conferences. It will enable students who have to prepare assignments or write up a dissertation in English to do so in a much more natural and appropriate way.

Use more formal alternatives to the words in bold. Make any necessary grammatical changes.
1 The book is mainly concerned with the problem of policing the internet.
2 Almost every school in the county had reported problems with the new system.
3 The work of the Institute is not only devoted to cancer research.
4 Basically, we believe we have demonstrated a significant link between the two events.
5 We tried to find a new way of understanding the data.
6 The study is a really good example of the way sociologists collect their data.
7 The reaction is typical of the way large corporations keep control of their markets.
8 There's no way London can be compared to Sydney as a place to live and work.
Look at A. Choose the most appropriate noun to complete each sentence.
1 Environmental topics / issues / principles should be at the top of today’s political agenda.
2 In the exam students had to choose three from a choice of ten essay subjects / theories / topics.
3 There are still people who are reluctant to accept Darwin’s model / topic / theory of evolution.
4 The professor decided to take moral courage as the issue / theme / model for his inaugural lecture.
5 The London underground map is best understood as a model / principle / topic showing how the different stations relate to one another rather than a precise representation of their distances from each other.
6 I'he Peter Issue / Principle / Theme states that members of a hierarchical group will usually end up being promoted to the point at which they become incompetent.
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