Учебник рассчитан на школьников 12—17 лет, желающих овладеть навыками современной устной разговорной речи, широко употребляемой в США. Он завершает курс, включающий популярные пособия «English for children» и «English for older children», в разработке которого принимали участие методисты московских спецшкол и специалисты Гарвардского и Стэнфордского университетов.

Nuclear Winter Awaits.
Our environment is vitally connected with the problem of peace on our planet. The scientists consider that nuclear war could destroy mankind completely, for a large scale nuclear exchange could mean the extinction of the human race. The climatic, biological and environmental effects of a nuclear war might be horrible. An exchange of only a small fraction of warheads would produce-«nuclear winter» in which smoke and soot would obscure the sunlight; the temperature would fall below freezing levels and global toxic smog would be created. That’s why there is no more important task today than to safeguard peace and prevent a nuclear catastrophe on the Earth which is our one and only home.
UNIT 1. Why do People Travel?.
UNIT 2. Getting to Know the U.S.A.
UNIT 3. We Learn a Lot Reading Books.
UNIT 4. Knowledge is Power.
UNIT 5. From Fantasy to Science.
UNIT 6. The Magic World of Art.
UNIT 7. My Future Profession.
UNIT 8. Sports Are an Important Part of Our Life.
UNIT 9. What Makes a Personality?.
UNIT 10. Our Planet is Our Home.
Appendix. Grammar Review Exercises.
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