Listen to the text again and answer the questions below.
1. Who were the “Lancasterians” and the “Yorkists”?
2. Which of them did the Earl of Warwick belong to?
3. Why did the wars between them begin?
4. Who called these wars the “Wars of the Roses” and why?
5. How long did these wars last?

Warwick Castle.
The origins of Warwick Castle go back to the Saxon fortress which Ethelfleda, a daughter of Alfred the Great, used for defence against the invading Danes. The first castle to appear on the site of Warwick Castle was a wooden construction built by William the Conqueror in 1068. In the Middle Ages under the Earls of Warwick the castle was rebuilt in stone. Later the military importance of the castle disappeared and it was turned into a residence of a rich style which reflected the wealth and the status of its owners. The castle was home to the Earls of Warwick until 1978. Since then restoration work has been carried out increasingly and most areas of the castle, which were closed to the public, have been opened.
William the Conqueror being afraid of defeat, strengthened the walls of Warwick Castle and gave it to his constable Henry de Newburgh in 1088. Five generations followed In their great ancestors footsteps as Earls of Warwick. But in 1242 the dy nasty came to an end as there was no heir2. After some unfortunate struggles the castle came to William de Beauchamp in 1268 and stayed in the family for 148 years. Another important represen-tative of the family was Richard de Beauchamp (1401-1439). Henry V made him a tutor of his young son, the future Henry VI. Unfortunately, Richard's son Henry had no heir and the dynasty stopped again. The following years were not easy for the castle and it changed several masters.
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