Практический курс английского языка, 2 курс, ключи, Татищева Е.С., 2005

Практический курс английского языка, 2 курс, Ключи, Татищева Е.С., 2005.
   В пособии представлены ключи ко всем упражнениям учебника, кроме творческих заданий. Во многих случаях переводы как русского языка на английский, так и с английского на русский даны в нескольких возможных вариантах.
Пособие предназначено для студентов и преподавателей филологических факультетов. Оно будет полезно всем, изучающим английский язык.

Практический курс английского языка, 2 курс, Ключи, Татищева Е.С., 2005

Ex. I, p. 8
1. If the boy were hungry, I would/should give him somethin to eat. 2. If the supper were ready, we should/would sit down t table. 3. If I got a good mark for my composition, I would shoul be happy. 4. If Mary had more free time, she would read more 5. If the weather changed. we would/should 20 boating. 6. If had no opportunity to see him, I would/should be very sorry. 7. I it didn't rain, I wouldn't/shouldn't have to take my umbrella with me. 8. If she finished everything on Friday, she wouldn't have t work on Saturday. 9. If you caught a cold, you would have to sta at home. 10. If the child didn't do what I told him, I would/shoul have to punish him.

Ex. Ill, p. 9
l. The students liked the idea of working in the lab twice week. 2. We liked the idea of visiting our sick friend. 3. Tli children liked the idea of going on an excursion. 4. We didn' like the idea of staying indoors all day long. 5. Don't you like tli idea of going to the theatre tonight? 6. All of us liked the idea о arranging a party at our University. 8. We liked the idea of goin to the cinema after the lessons.

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