Сборник содержит тесты четырех уровней сложности, предназначенные для проверки орфографии, грамматики, лексики и словоупотребления.
Приводимые в сборнике тесты аналогичны предлагаемым на вступительных экзаменах в учебных заведениях. Тесты разнообразны по структуре и снабжены ключами.

Collect the spelling mistakes in the letter below.
There are 23 mistakes (in homophones).
Deer Jane,
Hear I am in Siberia. We’ve been hear for too weaks now. and I can’t bare the thought of staying in this country any longer.
What dreadful whether! It's bitterly cold out. When I'm drilled to the bone. I think I'll never warm up.
Wee leave in a wooden house. It is surrounded with a huge would. The hunter, who leaves with us. says that the
would is full of beasts. You can walk their and meat a dear or a bare. As for me. once I saw a hair’s sine.
Do you think it is fare to leave me hear! I can't even sleep in piece. Can’t you come and stay with me? The air fair is really not very expensive. Hope to sea you soon
Double the letter where necessary.
1. Are you going to the Shop_ing Centre?
2. Why are you shout_ing at me?
3. I hate two things: eat ins ice-cream in cold weather and wait_ing for a bus in the rain.
4. Have you got an invitation to their wed_ing?
5. The heat is unbearable. It must be the hot_est day of the year.
6. Not a leaf stir_ing.
7. Is he well? He looks even thin er than a month ago.
8. The performance was so bor ing that I prefer_ed to leave it.
9. Please answer all the questions truthful_y.
10. Stop quarrel ing about nothing!
11. Do you like traveling by train?
12. I apologise for forget_ing your birthdayl
13. My grandma often suffer_ed from bad headaches.
14. Can you give me the addres_es of the hostels you know?
15. Stop chatter_ing! Come here immediately.
Present Simple / Present Continuous/ Future Simple
Past Simple. Used to / Be Used to. Present Perfect
Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous
Past Continuous / Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous
Adjectives and Adverbs Comparison
Modal Verbs
Passive Voice
Reported Speech / Reporting Questions / Sequence of Tenses
Complex Object / (Causative Verbs) / Make / Let
Infinitive/ Gerund / Participle
Spelling Tests
Test Your Vocabulary
Test Your Grammar
Use of English
Reading Comprehension
Pre-exam Tests.
Sentences for Translation.
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Хештеги: #тесты по английскому языку :: #английский язык :: #Кошманова
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- Английский язык, рабочая тетрадь, Enjoy English-2, Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н., 2006
- Тесты по английскому языку, Кошманова И., 2004
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