Шпаргалка будет полезной при подготовке учащихся к занятиям, проверочным работам, экзаменам, вступительному ЕГЭ. Рассчитано на школьников, выпускников, абитуриентов, учащихся колледжей, школьных учителей.
Problems of Youth.
The age between 14 & 17 is considered to be one of the best periods in people’s life. Grown-ups remind it with excitement & tenderness. But most teens wouldn’t agree with this opinion if they were asked. Youth is the time when a person is trying to find his place in the world. And during this search he or she comes across different problems which are as important as those of the adults. The youth of the 21st century face almost the same problems which were acute to their parents when they were young. These problems are quite serious & they can’t be considered trifles.
One of them is a generation gap. Every generation is unique in its experience. It has its own ideals and a system of values concerning every aspect of human life. Adults always complain that the young people do not blindly accept the ideals of their parents. Different generations take different directions. Grown-ups always teach the young how to live. But the latter want to live their own life. And it generates the conflict of the generations.
Drinking & taking drugs have become the most actual problems of the modern society. As for drinking , teenagers don’t realize the harm it does to their health , they just don’t want it to the privilege of grown-ups but unlike grown-ups they are notable to drink responsibly . They really believe that certain drinks will make them look like they’re accepted. So, we can say that the low level of self-appraisal is the main reason of drinking & drug problem.
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