Английский язык, 11 класс, Тексты для аудирования

Английский язык, 11 класс, Тексты для аудирования.


  Сейчас Вы будете выполнять задания по аудированию. Каждый текст прозвучит 2 раза. После первого и второго прослушивания у Вас будет время для выполнения и проверки заданий. Все паузы включены в аудиозапись. Остановка и повторное воспроизведение аудиозаписи не предусмотрены. По окончании выполнения всего раздела «Аудирование» перенесите свои ответы в бланк ответов № 1.

Speaker A
Oh. I don't read anything in my spare time. Why would I? 1 have to read so many books for my school subjects - especially for English Literature - that 1 just can't enjoy reading for pleasure. Perhaps after I've finished school I'll be able to sit down with a good book and really gel into it. Of course, I would choose it, not my teacher!

Speaker В
When I was a child, there was no Internet. If we needed to research a topic for homework, most students would go to the library and find books. I had an encyclopedia at home, which was very useful for a range of topics, particularly history, geography and the sciences. When we were studying the French Revolution, all I had to do was look it up in the relevant volume.

Speaker С
It is hard to keep children reading for pleasure once they arrive at secondary school. Many of them stop reading at this age. So, how can parents and teachers encourage them to pick up a good book again? One way, particularly for boys, is to find books with interesting covers that appeal to them. Another way is to find books that other teenagers have enjoyed and which they recommend.

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