Англійська мова, ДПА, 11 клас, Відповіді на питання білетів, Ярцева Г.В., 2007

Англійська мова, ДПА, 11 клас, Відповіді на питання білетів, Ярцева Г.В., 2007.

   Посiбник складено у повнiй вiдповiностi до екзаменацiйних бiлетiв з iноземних мов для 11 класу, затверджених Мiнiстерством освiти i науки Украiни (2007 р.), для проведения державнi пiдсумковоi атестацii.
Для читання та пересказа дiбрано тексти з художньоi лiтератури, а також тексти науково-популярного, суспiльно-полiтичного та краезнавчого характеру.
Посiбник видано у новiй редакцii — виправленiй та доповненiй. Зручна форма для системноi та ефективноi пiдготовки учнiв до екзамену.
Матерiал посiбника також може бути використаний для пiдготовки до урокiв протягом навчального року.

Англійська мова, ДПА, 11 клас, Відповіді на питання білетів, Ярцева Г.В., 2007

The Price Of Fame.
Have you ever dreamed of being rich and famous? You might change your mind if you considered all the disadvantages of being famous.
For one thing, celebrities have to look perfect all the time. There's always a photographer ready to take an unflattering picture of a famous person.

Celebrities also sacrifice their private lives. They are followed by the paparazzi wherever they go. Their personal problems, divorces, or family tragedies all end up as front-page news.
They worry constantly about their reputation. Actors may lose their popularity, singers may lose their voices, athletes maybe injured...

Do you think it's fair?
The rich and famous worry about money too. Sometimes they don't know what to do with it.
It's difficult for famous people to know who to trust. Ex-lovers may sell their stories to the newspapers. Their accountants or impresarios may be secretly cheating them... The paparazzi sell photos of the rich and famous to the popular press. And paparazzi can make a fortune on those pictures. But for the celebrities these photos are an invasion of privacy.

Do you think a special law should be introduced to protect the celebrities?
Famous people can never be sure whether people like them for themselves or because they are famous. It's difficult for them to make true friends.

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