Автор: Simon le Maistre, Carina Lewis.
40 lessons, each on a double page and including presentation of vocabulary, reading or listening and grammar work. 'Get Talking' activities at the end of each lesson gives students an opportunity to practice what they have learnt. 'Language to go box' gives memorable summary of the language of the unit. No need for a separate workbook - a Practice Section includes extra exercises to practice the main language. Internationally recognisable themes and topics keep adult learners interested and motivated. Free phrasebook - features many of the words and expressions used in the course, with many more which can be used in similar situations.
In pairs, use the questions from Exercise 8 to have a quiz.
Student A: Look at the information about Australia on page 85. As student B the questions in Exercise 8 about Canada and write down the answers.
Student B: Look at the information about Canada on page 88. As student A the questions in Exercise 8 about Australia and write down the answers.
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