Автор: Иродов И.Е.
Сборник решений к задачнику по общей физике Иродова И.Е. на английском языке, все решения выполнены господином A.K. Singh из Индии.
From the preface to the first edition:
The book entitled "Problems in General Physics" authored by I.E. Irodov (a noted Russian physicist and mathematician) contains 1877 intriguing problems divided into six chapters.
After the acceptance of my first book "Problems in Physics", published by Wiley Eastern Limited, I have got the courage to acknowledge the fact that good and honest ultimately win in the market place. This stimulation provided me insight to come up with mv second attempt—"Solutions to I.E. Irodov's Problems in General Physics."
Although a large number of problems can be solved by different methods, I have adopted standard methods and in many of the problems with helping hints for other methods.
4.1 Mechanical Oscillations 1
4.2 Electric Oscillations 54
4.3 Elastic Waves. Acoustics 82
4.4 Electromagnetic Waves. Radiation 103
PART FIVE. OPTICS № 5.1 - 5.292
5.1 Photometry and Geometrical Optics 115
5.2 Interference of Light 149
5.3 Diffraction of Light 162
5.4 Polarization of Light 196
5.5 Dispersion and Absorption of Light 219
5.6 Optics of Moving Sources 229
5.7 Thermal Radiation. Quantum Nature of Light 238
6.1 Scattering of Particles. Rutherford-Bohr Atom 259
6.2 Wave Properties of Particles. Schrodinger Equation 285
6.3 Properties of Atoms. Spectra 310
6.4 Molecules and Crystals 337
6.5 Radioactivity 360
6.6 Nuclear Reactions 372
6.7 Elementary Particles 387
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Хештеги: #скачать решебник по физике бесплатно :: #Иродов :: #физика :: #Singh
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