If you’re new to programming, this book is not for you.You’ll find a helpful resource, however, in the following cases:
- You have already developed applications with PHP, and want to take your skills
to the next level.
- You have experience with other programming languages and want to develop
Web applications with PHP.
- You’re an expert with PHP and want to extend PHP’s feature set on your own.
You don’t need to be a PHP wizard to read this book, but you should be familiar with PHP’s syntax, or have good knowledge of programming principles.

Target Audience xvi
Prerequisites xvii
Organization of This Book xvii
Conventions Used in This Book xviii
I Advanced PHP 1
1 Development Concepts 3
PHP for Me? 3
The Importance of Planning 4
Coding Conventions 6
Using Files to Group Functions 24
Writing Documentation 25
An API Design Example 26
Summary 30
2 Advanced Syntax 31
PHP Syntax 31
Defining Constants 32
Array Functions 33
PHP and OOP 41
Linked Lists 53
Associative Arrays 63
Polymorphism and Self-Modifying Code 78
Summary 87
3 Application Design:
A Real-Life Example 89
Project Overview 90
Comparing Technologies 91
IRC Network Basics 95
Fitting the Application into the Network 97
Interfacing the Network 99
Administration and Security 117
Implementation 119
Summary 119
II Web Applications 121
4 Web Application Concepts 123
HTTP and Sessions 123
Security Considerations 140
Why Usability Matters 158
Summary 166
References 166
5 Basic Web Application Strategies 167
The PHP Normal Form 168
Project Layout 175
CVS: Concurrent Versions System 178
Three-Tier Applications 191
Summary 198
6 Database Access with PHP 199
PHPLib:The PHP Base Library 200
Database Abstraction 202
Authentication 213
Summary 224
7 Cutting-Edge Applications 225
Knowledge Repositories 226
PHP and XML 238
Interchanging Data with WDDX 270
Summary 276
8 Case Studies 277
BizChek.com 277
SixCMS 281
MarketPlayer.com 285
Summary 290
References 290
III Beyond PHP 291
9 Extending PHP 4.0: Hacking the Core of PHP 293
Overview 294
What Is Zend? and What Is PHP? 294
Extension Possibilities 295
Source Layout 297
PHP’s Automatic Build System 301
Creating Extensions 303
Compiling Modules 304
Using Extensions 306
Troubleshooting 308
Source Discussion 308
Accepting Arguments 317
Creating Variables 329
Objects 338
Resources 339
Macros for Automatic Global Variable Creation 340
Duplicating Variable Contents:The Copy Constructor 342
Returning Values 343
Printing Information 345
Startup and Shutdown Functions 348
Calling User Functions 349
Where to Go from Here 353
Reference: Some Configuration Macros 354
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Дата публикации:
Хештеги: #программирование :: #PHP :: #Ratschiller :: #Gerken :: #advanced PHP :: #PHP syntax :: #web applications :: #обучение PHP :: #самоучитель по PHP :: #самоучитель PHP :: #обучение на примерах :: #язык программирования PHP :: #программирование на PHP :: #примеры программирования на PHP :: #CGI-сценарии :: #сервер Apache :: #РНР-функции :: #cookie :: #сеансы :: #FTP :: #e-mail :: #базы данных :: #MySQL :: #ООП :: #Web-приложения :: #строки :: #массивы :: #книга :: #операторы :: #web application development :: #скачать
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- SQL, Полное руководство, Грофф Д., Вайнберг П.
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- MySQL and Java Developer’s Guide, Matthews M., Cole J., Gradecki D.D.
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- Beginning MySQL, Sheldon R., Moes G.
- Beginning PHP5, Apache, and MySQL Web Development