Set up a MySQL database on Windows or Linux with help from this step-by-step beginner’s guide. Learn to design and create a database with tables, load data into your tables, and generate basic and advanced reports. You’ll also get details on how to administer, secure, and back up your database, and import data from other programs. Plus, learn to use PHP for dynamic web pages and MySQL web interfaces. Get started in no time with today’s most popular open source database and take advantage of all the features the MySQL database server has to offer.

Table of Contents
MySQL-Essential Skills
Module 1 - Installing MySQL
Module 2 - Defining a Database
Module 3 - Manipulating the Database
Module 4 - Basic Reporting
Module 5 - Advanced Reporting
Module 6 - GUIs for Data Handling and Administration
Module 7 - Interfacing with Programs
Module 8 - Basic Administration and Backups
Appendix A - Answers to Mastery Checks
Appendix B - Reserved Words
Appendix C - PHP Installation and Basic Syntax
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Sidebars
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Дата публикации:
Хештеги: #программирование :: #базы данных :: #MySQL :: #essential skills :: #John Horn :: #Michael Grey :: #Installing MySQL :: #установка MySQL :: #PHP :: #книга :: #скачать
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Следующие учебники и книги:
- РНР, Полезные приемы, Орлов А.А.
- Учебник РНР
- Руководство по PHP
- Справочное руководство по MySQL версии 4.0.11-gamma
Предыдущие статьи:
- Библия хакера, книга 2, Левин М.
- Beginning PHP4
- Build Your Own Database Driven Website using PHP and MySQL, Kevin Yank
- PHP and MySQL For Dummies, Valade J.