The cobuild approach to grammar is simple and direct. We study a large collection of English texts, and find out how people are actually using the language. We pick the most important points and we show how the words and phrases are used by quoting actual examples from our text collection. As a student of English, you can be sure that you are presented with real English, as it is actually used. In this book we give explanations of the most important, frequent, and typical points of English grammar along with a lot of practice material so that you can put the knowledge to use immediately, this makes the book suitable both as a classroom text, and also for private study. This is a grammar of meanings as well as structures. The exercises help you to link the meanings and structures, not just to practise the structures. There are two editions available: with or without a key to the exercises. The grammar is often very direct and easy to understand. Sometimes English speakers and writers prefer a simple structure and only very advanced students need to know more than that. At other times we give more details, because they are necessary for clear understanding and accurate usage.