
English Verb Drills, Swick E., 2009

English Verb Drills, Swick E., 2009.

   English Verb Drills is designed to help learners develop the skills that promote effective usage of verbs. It is a vehicle for students of all levels to review and drill conjugational forms, tenses, voice, mood, and verb usage.
English Verb Drills can serve as an important study aid to all those who wish to perfect their knowledge of English verbs. The book is equally suitable in an English-language classroom or for self-study and is an effective tool for clarifying the complexities and idiosyncrasies of the English verb.

English Verb Drills, Swick E., 2009
Скачать и читать English Verb Drills, Swick E., 2009

English Verb Drills, Swick E., 2009

English Verb Drills, Swick E., 2009.

   English Verb Drills is designed to help learners develop the skills that promote effective usage of verbs. It is a vehicle for students of all levels to review and drill conjugational forms, tenses, voice, mood, and verb usage.
English Verb Drills can serve as an important study aid to all those who wish to perfect their knowledge of English verbs. The book is equally suitable in an English-language classroom or for self-study and is an effective tool for clarifying the complexities and idiosyncrasies of the English verb.

English Verb Drills, Swick E., 2009
Скачать и читать English Verb Drills, Swick E., 2009

Practice Makes Perfect, English Grammar for ESL Learners, Swick E., 2018

Practice Makes Perfect, English Grammar for ESL Learners, Swick E., 2018.

   Many people consider learning grammar a chore. And at times, it can be. But understanding the grammar of any language is essential for becoming a skilled and accurate user of that language. English is certainly no exception.
Standard grammar is composed of the traditional rules for English. It is what grammarians and English professors want everyone to use when they speak and write. But a language evolves over time, and the traditional rules sometimes seem out of step with what is going on in the English-speaking world. The more current or popular usages can be called casual language. That’s what people really say in their everyday lives and is often in direct contradiction with standard grammar. As an illustration, in standard grammar you should use who as the subject of a sentence and use whom when it is used as an object. But that’s not always the case in casual language.

Practice Makes Perfect, English Grammar for ESL Learners, Swick E., 2018
Скачать и читать Practice Makes Perfect, English Grammar for ESL Learners, Swick E., 2018

Practice Makes Perfect, Complete English All in One for ESL Learners, Swick E., 2019

Practice Makes Perfect, Complete English All in One for ESL Learners, Swick E., 2019.

   Practice Makes Perfect: Complete English All-in-One for ESL Learners, aimed especially at self-taught learners, is designed to serves two purposes for acquiring the skills needed to be a confident user of English as a second language. Firstly, it is an excellent instrument for practicing the many intricacies of the grammar and structure of the English language. Secondly, the book is a resource that contains the answers to questions most frequently on the minds of ESL-learners. The book is a compilation of seven ESL books that cover the major grammar topics that describe and explain how the various parts of speech function in a sentence, and, most importantly, it also provides abundant exercises for practice.

Practice Makes Perfect, Complete English All in One for ESL Learners, Swick E., 2019
Скачать и читать Practice Makes Perfect, Complete English All in One for ESL Learners, Swick E., 2019

Practice Makes Perfect, English Problem Solver, Swick E., 2013

Practice Makes Perfect, English Problem Solver, Swick E., 2013.

   This book is aptly named a problem solver. Unlike other publications for learning English, it does not look at all aspects of grammar and structure; rather, it isolates those things in the language that non-natives often find complex or confusing. It then describes them, analyzes the complexities that cause confusion, and provides explanations and examples of how the problem areas work.
This series of books is intentionally called Practice Makes Perfect, for that idea is basic to learning and mastering a new language.

Practice Makes Perfect, English Problem Solver, Swick E., 2013
Скачать и читать Practice Makes Perfect, English Problem Solver, Swick E., 2013

Practice Makes Perfect, English Sentence Builder, Swick E., 2009

Practice Makes Perfect, English Sentence Builder, Swick E., 2009.

   Writing skills are usually the most diffi cult skills to acquire in a language. Th is is particularly true in a foreign language. Th e goal of this book is to reduce that diffi culty as it guides you through the various types of structures in the English language and illustrates how those structures combine to make sentences.
Naturally, in order to acquire writing skills you have to write. Th erefore, you will be provided with an abundance of writing exercises. Some will require a small variation in a given sentence. Others will provide you with a series of words that you form into an appropriate sentence. And you will have plenty of opportunity for coming up with original sentences of your own. Th is development of writing better English sentences moves gradually and with careful explanation from the least complex activity to the most complex.

Practice Makes Perfect, English Sentence Builder, Swick E., 2009
Скачать и читать Practice Makes Perfect, English Sentence Builder, Swick E., 2009

English Pronouns and Prepositions, Second Edition, Swick E., 2011

English Pronouns and Prepositions, Second Edition, Swick E., 2011.

   Pronouns are almost all very small words. This fact causes some people to think that pronouns are, therefore, a small and unimportant part of the language. But the opposite is true. Understanding the various types of pronouns and how they are used is very important for developing accuracy in English.

English Pronouns and Prepositions, Second Edition, Swick E., 2011
Скачать и читать English Pronouns and Prepositions, Second Edition, Swick E., 2011


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