
Cambridge English Empower, A2, Elementary, Students Book, Doff A., Thaine C., Puchta H., 2015

Cambridge English Empower, A2, Elementary, Students Book, Doff A., Thaine C., Puchta H., 2015.

   Cambridge English Empower is a new general English adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from Cambridge English Language Assessment.
This unique mix of engaging classroom material and reliable assessment, with personalised online practice, enables learners to make consistent and measurable progress.

Cambridge English Empower, A2, Elementary, Students Book, Doff A., Thaine C., Puchta H., 2015
Скачать и читать Cambridge English Empower, A2, Elementary, Students Book, Doff A., Thaine C., Puchta H., 2015

Cambridge English Empower, B1, Pre Intermediate, Students Book, Doff A., Thaine C., Puchta H., 2015

Cambridge English Empower, B1, Pre Intermediate, Students Book, Doff A., Thaine C., Puchta H., 2015.

   Cambridge English Empower is a new general English adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from Cambridge English Language Assessment.
This unique mix of engaging classroom material and reliable assessment, with personalised online practice, enables learners to make consistent and measurable progress.

Cambridge English Empower, B1, Pre Intermediate, Students Book, Doff A., Thaine C., Puchta H., 2015
Скачать и читать Cambridge English Empower, B1, Pre Intermediate, Students Book, Doff A., Thaine C., Puchta H., 2015

Cambridge English Empower, B2, Upper Intermediate, Students Book, Doff A., Thaine C., Puchta H., 2015

Cambridge English Empower, B2, Upper Intermediate, Students Book, Doff A., Thaine C., Puchta H., 2015.

   Cambridge English Empower is a new general English adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from Cambridge English Language Assessment.
This unique mix of engaging classroom material and reliable assessment, with personalised online practice, enables learners to make consistent and measurable progress.

Cambridge English Empower, B2, Upper Intermediate, Students Book, Doff A., Thaine C., Puchta H., 2015
Скачать и читать Cambridge English Empower, B2, Upper Intermediate, Students Book, Doff A., Thaine C., Puchta H., 2015

English in Mind 3, Workbook, Puchta H., Stranks J.

English in Mind 3, Workbook, Puchta H., Stranks J.

Фрагмент из книги:
My name’s Sally and I’m going to tell you about myself. I live in London. Our fl at is on the tenth fl oor so we have to go up in a lift to get to it! The place where we live is OK but unfortunately a lot of people around here throw rubbish on the street instead of putting it in the bin, so the pavements get dirty and that’s not really very nice, is it? Anyway, what else can I tell you? Well, I like sport a lot, especially football, but I don’t play it, I just watch it on TV. I think perhaps I should do some sport because I eat a lot! I just love biscuits and most days I eat a lot of sweets too, so I’m not the healthiest person in the world! Starting next week, though, I’m going to start cycling to school (now I use the underground), so that will help me to get fi t, I hope!

English in Mind 3, Workbook, Puchta H., Stranks J.
Скачать и читать English in Mind 3, Workbook, Puchta H., Stranks J.

Super Minds Starter Student’s Book, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2012

Super Minds Starter Student's Book, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2012.

An exciting, seven-level course that enhances young learners' thinking skills, sharpening their memory while improving their language skills. This exciting seven-level course, from a highly experienced author team, enhances your students' thinking skills, improving their memory along with their language skills. This Starter Student's Book includes visualisation exercises to develop creativity, cross-curricular thinking with fascinating 'English for school' sections and lively stories that explore social values. The fabulous DVD-ROM features animated stories, interactive games and activities including videokes, lively songs with karaoke versions, and fun activities focusing on each unit's vocabulary and grammar.

Super Minds Starter Student's Book, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2012
Скачать и читать Super Minds Starter Student’s Book, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2012

Think 4, Teachers Book, Hart B., Puchta H.

Think 4, Teachers Book, Hart B., Puchta H.

Фрагмент из книги.
Disappearing sentences: You'll need to write out the dialogues on the board or IWB for this one. Макс AB pairs so that half of the class are A and half are B. Students practise the conversations from Exercise 2 in their pairs. Cover a small section of the dialogue, beginning from the right hand side of the screen or board. Students repeat the dialogues in their same AB pairings trying to remember the whole thing, including the parts they can no longer see Cover more and more of the dialogue, with students practising at each stage, until eventually nothing is left on the board and students have memorised the entire conversation. Ask for volunteers to perform for the class or have all As and all Bs perform in unison. This activity involving lots of repetition is a fun way for students to memorise useful chunks

Think 4, Teachers Book, Hart B., Puchta H.
Скачать и читать Think 4, Teachers Book, Hart B., Puchta H.

Super Safari 3, Pupils Book, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2015

Super Safari 3, Pupils Book, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2015.

   Join Gina and her friends on an exciting adventure that welcomes children to English through colourful stories, TPR, action songs and lots of fun.
Together with Gina, children discover the fascinating world around them and the importance of values like sharing and cooperation.
Join the adventure. Join Super Safari, for a super start to learning!

Super Safari 3, Pupils Book, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2015
Скачать и читать Super Safari 3, Pupils Book, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2015

Super Safari 3, Big Book, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2015

Super Safari 3, Big Book, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2015.

   Join Polly and her friends on an exciting adventure that welcomes children to English through entertaining stories, total physical response (TPR) activities, action songs and plenty of fun!
These large format stories are a wonderful way to engage your class in shared reading and to introduce learners to the joy of reading. Each Big Book includes a reading script for the teacher with additional teaching tips available online to download.

Super Safari 3, Big Book, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2015
Скачать и читать Super Safari 3, Big Book, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2015
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