English Grammarfor Students of Italian explains the grammatical terms and concepts that you will encounter in your Italian textbook and relates them to English grammar. With straightforward explana- tions and numerous examples, this handbook compares English and Italian, indicating similarities and differences. Once you have under- stood the terms and concepts in your own language, it will be easier for you to understand your textbook.
Since English Grammarfor Students ofItalian can be keyed to any elementary textbook, many instructors will assign a specific section as preparation for the study of a given grammatical topic in your Italian textbook. If you use this manual as a self-study guide, you will need to consult the table of contents and index to locate the specific topic you are about to study. Read the relevant pages carefully, making sure that you understand the explanations and the examples. Do the Review provided at the end of each chapter and compare your answers with the Answer Key at the back of the book.