PHP для начинающих

Beginning PHP5, Apache, and MySQL Web Development

Beginning PHP5, Apache, and MySQL Web Development.


Over the course of this book, you will develop two complete Web sites:
- Movie Review Web site. Developing this site introduces you to writing a PHP program, making your pages look professional, working with variables and includes, and integrating PHP with MySQL to make your site truly dynamic as pages are created on the fly for your Web site visitor. You will also get experience in error handling and data validation while working on this site.
- Comic Book Fan Web site. The creation of this Web site takes you through the steps of building databases from scratch, manipulating images and sending out e-mails using PHP, authenticating users, managing content through CMS, creating a mailing list, setting up an e-commerce section, and developing and customizing a discussion forum.
   Finally, this book covers how to learn about your visitors through the use of log files and how to troubleshoot common mistakes or problems. The appendixes in this book provide you with the necessary reference materials you’ll need to assist you in your Web site development journey and offer tools to make you more efficient. After reading this book, you will be able to create a well-designed, dynamic Web site using tools available for free. Although this book is not intended to be a detailed analysis of Apache, PHP, and MySQL, it points you in the right direction to explore further issues you may wish to delve into.
   Authors:Elizabeth Naramore, Jason Gerner, Yann Le Scouarnec, Jeremy Stolz, Michael K. Glass

Beginning PHP5, Apache, and MySQL

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PHP for the World Wide Web, Visual QuickStart Guide, Ullman L.

PHP for the World Wide Web - Visual QuickStart Guide - Larry Ullman - 2001.

    While there are several professional-level books available on PHP, there are few guides to this open-source scripting language for students who may be familiar with HTML but are not studying to be professional programmers. PHP for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide is a task-based, visual reference guide that features step-by-step instructions and plenty of screen shots-the ideal way for students to learn the basics of PHP, starting with basic syntax, testing scripts, working with variables, creating Web applications, and more.

PHP for the World Wide Web

Скачать и читать PHP for the World Wide Web, Visual QuickStart Guide, Ullman L.

PHP Hacks, Herrington J.

PHP Hacks - Jack Herrington  - 2005.

    Programmers love its flexibility and speed; designers love its accessibility and convenience. When it comes to creating web sites, the PHP scripting language is truly a red-hot property. In fact, PHP is currently used on more than 19 million web sites, surpassing Microsoft's ASP .NET technology in popularity. Not surprisingly, this surge in usage has resulted in a number of PHP books hitting the market. Only one, though, takes the language beyond traditional Web programming and into mapping, graphing, multimedia, and beyond: PHP Hacks.

PHP Hacks - Jack Herrington

Скачать и читать PHP Hacks, Herrington J.

Web Database Application with PHP and MySQL, Lane D., Williams H.E.

Web Database Application with PHP and MySQL - 2nd Edition - David Lane, Hugh E. Williams - 2004.

   This new edition has been redesigned around the rich offerings of PEAR. Several of these, including the Template package and the database-independent query API, are fully integrated into examples and thoroughly described in the text. In addition, through a complex sample application--Hugh and Dave's Wine Store--all the important techniques of dynamic content are introduced. Good design is emphasized, such as dividing logic from presentation. The book introduces PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1 features, while providing techniques that can be used on older versions of the software that are still in widespread use.

Web Database Application

Скачать и читать Web Database Application with PHP and MySQL, Lane D., Williams H.E.

XML and PHP, Vikram Vaswani

XML and PHP - Vikram Vaswani - 2002.

    XML and PHP is a clear, concise guide to the synergies between XML and PHP, many of which are not immediately visible to intermediate developers. XML and PHP demonstrates how PHP and XML can be combined to build cutting-edge Web applications. It includes detailed explanations of PHP's XML extensions, together with illustrations of using PHP to parse, validate and transform XML markup, traverse XML data trees, exchange data between Web applications, overlay remote procedure calls over HTTP, and use free open-source tools to add new capabilities to your PHP/XML applications.

XML and PHP - Vikram Vaswani

Скачать и читать XML and PHP, Vikram Vaswani

Web Application Development with PHP 4.0

Web Application Development with PHP 4.0.


   As Web sites and intranets become larger and more complex, static HTML files hit their limits. In the first part of Web Application Development with PHP the authors explain PHP's advanced syntax like classes, recursive functions and variables. They present software development methodologies and coding conventions which are a must-know for industry quality products as well as to help making develop faster and more productive. This part also covers many standard algorithms for tree-structures, string sorting and searching. Part Two focuses on the concept of Web Applications (as opposed to single scripts) and gives much insight into user and session management, e-commerce systems, XML applications and WDDX.
Authors: Tobias Ratschiller, Till Gerken, Zeev Suraski, Andi Gutmans


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PHP Functions Essential Reference

PHP Functions Essential Reference.


  PHP Functions Essential Reference is a detailed and practical function reference for the PHP programming language. Concise and authoritative, this working programmer's guide covers the core function groups plus 300 additional commonly used PHP functions, and details 800 more functions on the book's web site.
  Written by working developers and PHP community leaders, this book is full of working code that utilizes the rich variety of functions availablewith PHP. Every function is supported by one or more examples that illustrate the function in action. This definitive guide to PHP is a must-have for any serious PHP programmer.
Authors: Zak Greant, Graeme Merrall, Torben Wilson, Brett Michlitsch

PHP Functions Essential Reference

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Учебник по PHP 4

Учебник по PHP 4


    В сценарном языке РНР воплотились совместные усилия разработчиков со всего мира, в результате чего был создан исключительно богатый и мощный язык web-программирования. В шестнадцати главах этого диска рассматриваются многие аспекты, обусловившие популярность языка. Книга начинается с подробного описания общих концепций и синтаксических конструкций языка, после чего читатель знакомится с аспектами, относящимися непосредственно к web-программированию, - такими, как динамическое построение страниц, создание ссылок и взаимодействие с базами данных. Затем мы рассмотрим некоторые нетривиальные вопросы применения РНР в web-программировании, включая XML, JavaScript, СОМ и безопасность.

Учебник по PHP 4

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