основы PHP

Core PHP Programming, Third Edition, Atkinson L.

Core PHP Programming - Third Edition - Leon Atkinson - 2003.

   Core PHP Programming, Third Edition is the authoritative guide to the new PHP 5 for experienced developers. Top PHP developer Leon Atkinson and PHP 5 contributor/Zend Engine 2 co-creator Zeev Suraski cover every facet of real-world PHP 5 development, from basic syntax to advanced object--oriented development-even design patterns!
   It's all here: networking, data structures, regular expressions, math, configuration, graphics, MySQL/PostgreSQL support, XML, algorithms, debugging, optimization...and 650 downloadable code examples, with a Foreword by PHP 5 contributor and Zend Engine 2 co-creator Andi Gutmans!


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MySQL and PHP from Scratch

MySQL and PHP from Scratch. Wade Maxfield.


    Apache, MySQL, PHP3, and IMP the pieces exist. Each piece has been described ad nauseam. What does not exist is a guide to the marriage of these software technologies into a useful book, until now. This book puts together information on installing, setting up, and troubleshooting each of these technologies into one complete volume. You also learn how each piece is part of a whole by learning, step-by-step, how to create a web-based e-mail system. Learn to run the Linux equivalent of Active Server Pages (ASP) using PHP3, set up an e-commerce site using a database and the Apache web server, and create a data entry system (such as sales, product quality tracking, customer preferences, etc) that requires no installation in the PC.

MySQL and PHP from Scratch

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Учебник по РНР

Учебник РНР.

    PHP, "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor/Гипертекстовый Препроцессор", широко используемый Открытый Ресурс, язык скриптинга (сценариев) общего назначения, который особенно подходит для Web и может быть внедрён в HTML. Его синтаксис происходит от C, Java и Perl и лёгок для понимания и изучения.
    Главной целью создания этого языка является: дать web-разработчикам возможность быстро создавать динамически генерируемые страницы для web, но вы можете сделать с помощью PHP гораздо больше.
    Этот учебник состоит в основном из справочника по функциям, но содержит также справочник по языку, разъяснения по некоторым основным возможностям языка PHP и другую сопутствующую информацию.

Авторы: Stig Sæther Bakken, Alexander Aulbach, Egon Schmid, Jim Winstead, Lars Torben Wilson, Rasmus Lerdorf, Andrei Zmievski, Jouni Ahto.

Год издания: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002.


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PHP and MySQL Web Development, Welling L., Thomson L.

PHP and MySQL Web Development - Luke Welling, Laura Thomson - 2001.

   PHP & MySQL Web Development teaches the reader to develop dynamic, secure e-commerce Web sites and Web applications. The book shows how to integrate and implement these technologies by following real-world examples and working sample projects. It also covers the related technologies needed to build a commercial Web site such as SSL, shopping carts, and payment systems. The CD includes a Linux distribution, MySQL, PHP4 and utilities for the projects and code listings.

PHP and MySQL Web Development

Скачать и читать PHP and MySQL Web Development, Welling L., Thomson L.

PHP and PostgreSQL, Advanced Web Programming

PHP and PostgreSQL - Advanced Web Programming - 2002.

   PHP and PostgreSQL are free open-source products that are ideally suited for creating sophisticated Web applications and services. PHP is an efficient and easy-to-learn programming language that is used on an estimated seven million Web domains. PostgreSQL is considered to be the most advanced open-source relational database management system. It competes with costly commercial products such as Oracle and IBM's DB2.
   PHP and PostgreSQL Advanced Web Programming is aimed at developers and programmers with basic knowledge of databases and Web scripting languages who want to develop powerful, secure, and inexpensive Web applications for themselves and their clients. Beginning with the necessary instructions for installing and setting up PHP and PostgreSQL, this book quickly covers the basic features of PHP and PostgreSQL before moving into in-depth coverage of using PHP and PostgreSQL in tandem and related topics.
   Beyond the coverage of just syntax and function, this book provides a complete picture of developing Web applications and services using PHP and PostgreSQL. This includes practical discussions on performance tuning, security, session management, regular expressions, and much more.
  Authors: Ewald Geschwinde, Hans-Jurgen Schonig

PHP and PostgreSQL

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PHP Developer s Cookbook, Hughes S.

PHP Developer's Cookbook - Second Edition - Sterling Hughes - 2001.

   PHP is an open source, server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language used to create dynamically generated Web pages. With an easy-to-use syntax and a large, extensible library of modules, PHP makes it fast and easy to create powerful data-driven Web sites for e-commerce, community portals, and other Web-based applications.
   The PHP Developer's Cookbook is a task-based reference designed to give developers easy-to-follow solutions to common problems they might encounter. Each solution provides complete code listings along with an in-depth explanation of how and why a particular solution was used.

PHP Developer's Cookbook

Скачать и читать PHP Developer s Cookbook, Hughes S.

Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache in 24 Hours, Meloni J.C.

Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache in 24 HoursJulie C. Meloni - 2002.

   Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL, and Apache in 24 Hours combines coverage of these three popular open-source Web development tools into one easy-to-understand book
  The book teaches the reader to install, configure and set up the PHP scripting language, the MySQL database system, and the Apache Web server.
  By the end of this book the reader will understand how these technologies work, and -- more importantly -- how they can work together to create a dynamic Web site.
  After creating a simple Web site using these tools, the reader will be able to manage a simple mailing list, and to create an online address book, shopping cart, and storefront.
  The book also teaches the reader how to fine tune Apache and MySQL, and covers simple Web server security.

Sams Teach Yourself PHP

Скачать и читать Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache in 24 Hours, Meloni J.C.

Secure PHP Development, Building 50 Practical Applications, Kabir M.J.

Secure PHP Development - Building 50 Practical Applications - Mohammed J. Kabir - 2003.

   This is not a PHP language book for use as reference. There are many good PHP language books out there. This book is designed for intermediate- to advancedlevel PHP developers who can review the fifty PHP applications developed for this book and deploy them as is or customize them as needed. However, it is entirely possible for someone with very little PHP background to deploy the applications developed for this book. Therefore, even if you are not currently a PHP developer, you can make use of all the applications with very little configuration changes.
   If you are looking for example applications that have defined features and implementation requirements, and you want to learn how applications are developed by professional developers, this book a great starting point. Here you will find numerous examples of applications that have been designed from the ground up using a central application framework, which was designed from scratch for this book.
   The book shows developers how PHP applications can be developed by keeping security considerations in focus and by taking advantage of an object-oriented approach to PHP programming whenever possible to develop highly maintainable, extensible applications for Web and intranet use.

Secure PHP Development

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