
Good word guide, Manser M.H., 2003

Good word guide, Manser M.H., 2003.

   The Good Word Guide, one of the most wide-ranging English language reference books available, presents the reader with the facts associated with the relevant words and makes recommendations rather than laying down didactic rules. Where a supposed alternative is in fact still generally considered wrong this is clearly stated, but where acceptable alternatives exist these are also stated together with the justifications for these.

Good word guide, Manser M.H., 2003
Скачать и читать Good word guide, Manser M.H., 2003

The Facts On File Dictionary of Allusions, Manser M.H., 2009

The Facts On File Dictionary of Allusions, Manser M.H., 2009.

   The Facts On File Dictionary of Allusions builds on the earlier volume of the Facts On File Dictionary of Classical and Biblical Allusions, doubling the content to provide a comprehensive reference to allusions in the En glish language. Entries have been selected not simply because they are wellknown events, places, people, phenomena, etc., but also because they have generally acquired some wider linguistic signifi cance, conveying a par tic u lar message beyond a mere reference. This method of selection distinguishes this volume from other references on the same subject, including other dictionaries of allusions as well as more expansive (but less focused) works such as Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.
Allusions in this volume are drawn from a wide range of sources, including Shakespeare and the Bible; Greek, Roman, Norse, and other types of mythology; literary texts from all ages; historical events; and pop u lar culture, including fi lm and tele vi sion.

The Facts On File Dictionary of Allusions, Manser M.H., 2009
Скачать и читать The Facts On File Dictionary of Allusions, Manser M.H., 2009


2025-01-09 23:41:48