Geoffrey Leech

Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English - Workbook - Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, Geoffrey Leech - 2002

Название: Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English - Workbook - 2002.

Автор: Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, Geoffrey Leech

We designed this Workbook to give you practice in analyzing English grammar and
understanding how it works in real communication. The Workbook differs from other
grammar textbooks known to us in its exclusive focus on how English is actually used. All
examples in the exercises are taken from naturally occurring English texts and
conversations, rather than being invented, idealized language

Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English - Workbook - Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, Geoffrey Leech - 2002

Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English - Workbook - Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, Geoffrey Leech - 2002

Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English - Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, Geoffrey Leech - 2003

Название: Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English - 2003.

Автор: Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, Geoffrey Leech

This book is a course book and a reference grammar for students and their
teachers. Although it is based on the Longman Grammar of Spoken and
Written English (LGSWE), the Student Grammar is much more than just an
abbreviated LGSWE. Rather, we have simplified and reorganized the content of
the LGSWE, avoiding much technical detail while retaining the strengths of the
larger book. For example, like the LGSWE, the Student Grammar contains
over 3,000 authentic English examples, and contrasts the major patterns of use in
spoken and written registers. However, we have simplified the presentation when
possible; for example, we have tried hard to find new and simpler extracts from
our corpus data, often replacing more complex examples in LGSWE.

Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English - Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, Geoffrey Leech

Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English - Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, Geoffrey Leech - 2003

A Communicative Grammar of English - Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik

Название: A Communicative Grammar of English.

Автор: Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik.


A Communicative Grammar of English is a new kind of grammar. In writing it, we have assumed that studying grammar, for the overseas student, makes most sense if one starts with the question 'How can I use grammar to communicate?'. Thus the main part of the book is devoted to the USES of grammar, rather than to grammatical STRUCTURE.

The book is intended primarily for the fairly advanced student, for example the first-year university student. If you are such a student you will have studied English grammar in one form or another already, but here we offer you a hew perspective on the subject, which relates grammatical structure systematically to meanings, uses and situations. In this way we hope you will improve and extend the range of your communicative skill in the language. The book also supplies the essential information about grammatical forms and structures which you will need, and can therefore be used as a general reference book or sourcebook on English grammar.

A Communicative Grammar of English - Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik

Скачать и читать A Communicative Grammar of English - Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik


2025-02-19 18:23:37