Edward M.Kiely

Цветной атлас детской анатомии, Color Atlas of Pediatric Anatomy, Laparoscopy, and Thoracoscopy, Merrill McHoney, Edward M.K., Imran Mushtaq, 2017

Цветной атлас детской анатомии, Color Atlas of Pediatric Anatomy, Laparoscopy, and Thoracoscopy, Merrill McHoney, Edward M.Kiely, Imran Mushtaq, 2017.

  This beautifully illustrated Atlas will, I believe, prove invaluable to paediatric surgeons at all stages of their career. Those who are already proficient in minimal access surgery will find it useful in planning a new procedure as well as rehearsing more familiar ones. Trainees will benefit from it as they develop their surgical skills. Many paediatric surgeons have been slow to adopt minimal access techniques, continuing to perform “conventional” open surgery for most procedures. This book will hopefully stimulate those yet to be convinced, to ensure that they acquire the appropriate skills and adopt these techniques.
The authorship of this Atlas is international, from the United States. Europe, the Far East, and the United Kingdom, including. I am proud to note, several from Edinburgh, one of the first paediatric centres in the United Kingdom to pioneer these techniques. The operative stages of each procedure are clearly illustrated in a step-by-step sequence to aid understanding and facilitate successful completion of the entire operative procedure endoscopically.

Цветной атлас детской анатомии, Color Atlas of Pediatric Anatomy, Laparoscopy, and Thoracoscopy, Merrill McHoney, Edward M.Kiely, Imran Mushtaq, 2017
Скачать и читать Цветной атлас детской анатомии, Color Atlas of Pediatric Anatomy, Laparoscopy, and Thoracoscopy, Merrill McHoney, Edward M.K., Imran Mushtaq, 2017


2024-12-19 07:42:29