
Italian At a Glance, Foreign Language Phrasebook and Dictionary At a Glance Series, Costantino M., 2018

Italian At a Glance, Foreign Language Phrasebook and Dictionary At a Glance Series, Costantino M., 2018.

   So you’re taking a trip to one of the many fascinating countries of the world. That’s exciting! This phrase book, part of Barron’s popular At a Glance series, will prove an invaluable companion.
Enjoy your vacation and travel with confidence. You have a friend by your side.

Italian At a Glance, Foreign Language Phrasebook and Dictionary At a Glance Series, Costantino M., 2018
Скачать и читать Italian At a Glance, Foreign Language Phrasebook and Dictionary At a Glance Series, Costantino M., 2018


2025-01-07 02:21:55