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  1. Книга A History Of Mechanics By Dugas, Ren S - Paperback

    Книга A History Of Mechanics By Dugas, Ren S - Paperback — купить товар онлайн с бесплатной доставкой до всему миру! · Доступные цвета · Качественные материалы.

  2. A History of Mechanics. René Dugas. Translated by J. R. ...

    Автор: E Farber · 1961 — A History of Mechanics. René Dugas. Translated by JR Maddox. Editions du Griffon, Neuchatel, Switzerland (Central Book Company, New York), 1955. 671 pp.

  3. A History of Ancient Mechanics: From Aristotle to Pappus

    (1) Huggett, N., 1999, “ Space from Zeno to Einstein”, a Bradford book, The M I T Press. (2) Dugas, René. , 1988, ” A history of Mechanics”, Dover Publication, ...

  4. A History of Mechanics - René Dugas

    "A remarkable work which will remain a document of the first rank for the historian of mechanics." — Louis de BroglieIn this masterful synthesis and ...

  5. Dugas' Histoire de la Mécanique (1953)

    Автор: C Truesdell · 1984 — The view of the history and meaning of mechanics implied by most textbooks ... To correct the gross errors of most of the historical statements in current books ...

  6. René Dugas, Histoire de la Mécanique, ...

    8.) THIS very important book by a professor at the gcole Polytechnique in. Paris is the most complete history of mechanics yet published ...

  7. A History of Mechanics by René Dugas (Ebook)

    Aristotle believed in the impossibility of a vacuum (Physics, Book IV, Chapter XI) on the grounds that, in a vacuum, no natural motion, that is to say no ...


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