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Search results:

  1. دانلود رایگان کتاب IELTS-Speaking-Actual-Tests-Jan-May- ...

    کتاب‌های اکچوال تست آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس هرچند ماه یک‌بار توسط سایت IELTSMaterial در اختیار زبان آموزان قرار می‌گیرد. ورژن جدید این مجموعه نیز برای تاریخ ...

  2. IELTS Speaking Actual Tests and Suggested Answers

    This e-book is sold subject to the condition that no part of this ebook may also be copied, duplicated, stored, distributed, reproduced or transmitted for any ...

  3. IELTS Speaking Actual Tests 2021

    (Give a reason for your answer) I'm an avid reader of books and novels, but there are certain books I may not be able to afford. Therefore, I borrow them from ...

  4. IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers

    IELTS SPEAKING ACTUAL TESTS & Suggested answersSuu tam va chia se tai: IELTS SHARE https://www.facebook.com/groups/iel...

  5. Speaking Test Questions with model answers

    Current questions and model answers for the IELTS speaking test. Updated September 2022 for parts 1,2, and 3 of the exam.

  6. IELTS Listening Actual Tests with Answers (May-August ...

    IELTS Material.com, 2021. This book contains 41 sets of listening tests for the IELTS actual test. They are recent actual listening test materials . The audio ...

  7. IELTS Speaking Actual Tests+ Suggested Answers (May

    This ebook provides model answers for IELTS Speaking Actual Tests that appears in the. IELTS speaking module. Even if your English is not perfect, you can ...


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