
Англiйская мова, 6 класс, Юхнель Н.В., Навумава А.Г., Радоуская А.А., 2014

Англiйская мова, 6 класс, Юхнель Н.В., Навумава А.Г., Радоуская А.А., 2014.

Фрагмент из книги:
Hi Jenny, How are you? Guess what! Next holiday I want to do something unusual. My cousin says she’ll take me to the seaside and we’ll visit a sand art festival there. We will watch people making different sculptures out of sand and water and my cousin will make a sand dragon for the sand contest.
I’m going to learn how to make sand castles and animals too and maybe I’ll take part in a sand contest for juniors. I’m going to buy some tools for this festival, I’ll need a shovel and a bucket, I’ll also take a spoon, a fork and a knife with me. No, not to eat, I’ll use a plastic fork, knife and spoon to make small details of my sand sculpture, for example, eyes or a nose.

Англiйская мова, 6 класс, Юхнель Н.В., Навумава А.Г., Радоуская А.А., 2014
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2024-06-05 20:14:13