
Practice Makes Perfect, Basic English, Lachance J., 2019

Practice Makes Perfect, Basic English, Lachance J., 2019.

   Congratulations on choosing Practice Makes Perfect: Basic English for your first year of English language learning.
There is really only one way to learn a new language, and that is to build your vocabulary, learn the verb tenses and the mechanics of that language, and then practice, practice, practice. This workbook was designed to help you do just that.
We wish you much success and enjoyment throughout your learning process using this workbook, and we are confident that you will gain from it exactly what was intended: a solid comprehension of your first year of English language learning.

Practice Makes Perfect, Basic English, Lachance J., 2019
Скачать и читать Practice Makes Perfect, Basic English, Lachance J., 2019

Practice Makes Perfect, Basic English, Lachance J., 2009

Practice Makes Perfect, Basic English, Lachance J., 2009.

   Congratulations on your decision on choosing Practice Makes Perfect: Basic English for your fi rst year of English language learning.
Th ere is really only one way to learn a new language, and that is to build your vocabulary, learn the verb tenses and the mechanics of that language, and then practice, practice, practice. Th is workbook was designed to help you do just that.

Practice Makes Perfect, Basic English, Lachance J., 2009
Скачать и читать Practice Makes Perfect, Basic English, Lachance J., 2009


2024-06-05 00:26:40