
Choices, Elementary, Workbook, Fricker R., Bandis A., Solokova I., 2013

Choices, Elementary, Workbook, Fricker R., Bandis A., Solokova I., 2013.

Фрагмент из книги.
I am in Arizona in an area of the USA that is very near to Mexico. This is where the Yuma Native Americans live. There are about five hundred thousand Native American Indians in the USA. They are in different groups like the Yuma, Iroquois and Sioux and they speak about one hundred different languages. They don’t live a really traditional lifestyle now. Some live in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco. Others live in special Native American areas but they have modern homes.

Choices, Elementary, Workbook, Fricker R., Bandis A., Solokova I., 2013
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Choices, Upper Intermediate, Workbook, Fricker R., Bandis A., Solokova I., 2013

Choices, Upper Intermediate, Workbook, Fricker R., Bandis A., Solokova I., 2013.

Фрагмент из книги.
In 1950, Linda Brown was seven years old. To get to school, she had a long, dangerous walk of over one kilometre to a bus stop. There, she had to wait for the bus to take her the rest of the way. That's not too surprising as lots of children have to travel to school by bus. What was surprising was that there was another school much nearer to her home which she wanted to go to but couldn't. Why was that?

Choices, Upper Intermediate, Workbook, Fricker R., Bandis A., Solokova I., 2013
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Choices, Upper Intermediate, Workbook, Fricker R., Bandis A., Solokova I., 2013

Optimise, B2, Workbook, With answer key, Bandis A., Reilly P., 2017

Optimise, B2, Workbook, With answer key, Bandis A., Reilly P., 2017.

Фрагмент из книги.
When you have time to yourself, you probably hang out with friends, go to the cinema or go shopping - but what about when you fancy doing something new and exciting in your free time that’s not expensive? Finding activities that are fun, accessible and don’t cost the earth is impossible, right? Wrong!

Optimise, B2, Workbook, With answer key, Bandis A., Reilly P., 2017
Скачать и читать Optimise, B2, Workbook, With answer key, Bandis A., Reilly P., 2017


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