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Search results:

  1. Scots in decline? The Modern Age - Oxford Academic

    A History of the Scots Language · Robert McColl Millar. Contents. Contents. Search in this book. Chapter. 4 Scots ...

  2. Robert McColl Miller, A Sociolinguistic History of Scotland

    Автор: R Lawson · 2021 — Covering Gaelic, Scottish. Standard English, and multiple varieties of Scots, Miller's book 'represents the first attempt to provide a sociolinguistic ...

  3. History of the Scots Language цена

    ... English. In this book, Robert McColl Millar explores both sociolinguistic and structural developments in the history of Scots, bringing together these two ...

  4. A History of the Scots Language - New Paperback - J245z

    A History of the Scots Language will be a valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate students of the modern and historical Scots language, ...

  5. A Sociolinguistic History of Scotland

    Robert McColl Millar ... 1 INTRODUCTION: THE SOCIOLOGY OF LANGUAGE AND THE SCOTTISH ... This book represents the first attempt to provide a sociolinguistic history ...

  6. A History of the Scots Language - Hardcover

    This book provides a thorough yet approachable history of the Scots language, a close relative of Standard English with around 1.5 million speakers in ...

  7. Millar Robert McColl - University of Aberdeen - Academia.edu

    ... Millar is Professor in Linguistics and Scottish Language at the University. ... Historical Linguistics, History of English Language, and Language contact.


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